Support Groups
Homeschoolers have created networks of support to provide a way to make friends, get ideas and information, and to offer positive socialization opportunties to their children. You can join in! There are many groups to choose from, many with specific affiliations, like Christian groups or unschoolers' groups. Some are eclectic, inclusive, and open to anyone. Whatever your interest, you are sure to find other like-minded parents. And if you don't find what you are looking for, we've put together tips for starting your own group.
Local & State Groups
Support groups offer a way for those interested in homeschooling or new to home education to get information and support. They also offer opportunities for social activities, group learning, and networking. Find a support group near you in Colorado.
National Groups
Tap into the national homeschool movement by connecting with these national homeschool groups and support organizations.
Social Media
Connect with other homeschooling using social networking tools. You can share tips and ideas, get support, collaborate on lesson plans, upload photos, and much more.
A co-op offers a way to share teaching duties with others who are excited and knowledgeable about a subject. It also offers an opportunity for your children to learn in a group and to make friends. Browse through this list of co-ops in Colorado.
Umbrella/Cover Schools
An umbrella or cover school provides an alternative way for parents to fulfill governmental educational guidelines and requirements. Most offer a variety of services, which can include curricula, social activities, field trips, standardized testing, portfolio reviews, evaluations, and graduation materials, including diplomas. While umbrella schools do tend to the needs of homeschoolers, they are considered a type of private school in most states.
Resource Centers
Homeschool resource centers offer classes, materials, field trips, and other activities for parents and children alike. They are great ways to get new information, engage in group activities, and network with other homeschoolers.
Public School Programs
Public schools are increasing offering programs to appeal to homeschooling families, from classes to educational materials to computer and distance learning. In most cases, students enrolled in these programs are considered public school students rather than homeschoolers. Learn more about these programs and decide if these are right for your family.
Group Management
Learn how to start and manage a homeschool support group, including how to stay organized, how to handle conflict, and ideas for your support group.
What's Popular
Summit County Homeschools
Summit County Homeschoolers is an eclectic community of families who homeschool in Summit County, Colorado. They gather together for support, fellowship, fun and learning opportunities.
3-D Field Trips
This is an open-minded group of homeschoolers (traditional, waldorf, eclectic, free schoolers) and non-homeschoolers (school age kids and preschool kids) from the Evergreen/Conifer/Pine area, who get together on a regular basis for field trips and other activities. Outings range from hikes to museum trips to casual playdates, and parents get together for things like book club or wine night. This is a secular group with a variety of beliefs.
Colorado Springs Downtown Homeschoolers (CSDTHS)
Colorado Springs Downtown Homeschoolers provides support and friendship to homeschool families living in the downtown area of Colorado Springs. The group meets at least twice a month to play games, share personal stories, and discuss issues. This is a non-denominational group, open to all, regardless of beliefs or background, and homeschooling techniques.
Lewis-Palmer Home School Enrichment Academy
The Lewis-Palmer HomeSchool Enrichment Academy (HSEA) is a program designed to support families of home schooled students in kindergarten through 8th grade. Children in grades K-5 receive a full array of Enrichment activities to include Music, Art, PE, and exploratory activities in science, literature, geography, and history. Students in grades 6-8 can choose from several elective offerings in those subjects and more. HSEA provides all the necessary materials and equipment.
The Lewis-Palmer...
Springs Homeschool
This group is for all homeschoolers in the Colorado Springs area.
Roman Catholic Homeschoolers
Roman Catholic Homeschoolers (RCH) is a group of homeschooling families in the Colorado Springs area. Their purpose is to support and enrich each other as families journey through the adventures of homeschooling. They currently only have an e-presence and do not have any official gatherings, though members occasionally organize Children’s Holy Hour, dining outs, field trips, or offer other private events. All members agree to act in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Father and the Magist...
Crossroads Christian Academy
Crossroads Christian Academy provides academic support to families homeschooling through high school, as well as a community of believers with which to learn and grow.
Ascend Micro School
Ascend Micro School is a faith-based K-5 hybrid school in northern Colorado Springs that partners with families to provide an engaging, learner-driven education rooted in compassion for the local community and the people in it. Your child can attend one, two, or three days a week, with the rest of learning happening at home, receiving highly-individualized instruction paired with collaborative learning. They embrace the strengths of curious, driven, passionate, gifted students and empower them t...
The Homeschool Alliance
The Homeschool Alliance is a community resource for families to engage in group projects and individual expression once a week in a beautiful mountain setting. Their facilitators are there to guide, encourage and support each learner to become pioneers of their own educational experiences. The Homeschool Alliance is founded on the belief that alternative learning families can enrich their education journeys through partnerships within the community. Families can learn at home in a way best suite...
Fort Collins Catholic Homeschoolers
Fort Collins Catholic Homeschoolers is a Catholic homeschooling support group for families in the Ft. Collins area. They provide support, information, and activities.
CHEC Products
19039 Plaza Dr, Ste 210Parker, CO 80134Phone: 720-842-4852
Browse their selection of homeschool curriculum materials, resources from Generations, Bible resources, creation information, modesty and purity books for all ages, worldview studies, family books, prayer cards, coloring books, and classic literature. Publishers they carry include BJU Press, Christian Liberty Press, Saxon, Apologia, Master Books, New Leaf Press, and Progeny Press. Keep them in mind not only for your homeschool curri...
St. Mary Littleton Home Educators
These are homeschool families who attend St. Mary Littleton Catholic Church in Littleton, Colorado. Not everyone in the group belongs to St. Mary as their home parish. They are an informal subset of Holy Family Home Educators, which encompasses the greater Denver Metro area. The purpose of this group is to facilitate communication concerning events that would primarily be of interest to Catholic homeschooling families in this part of town.
Preschool Homeschoolers of Colorado Springs
This list is for homeschooling families, or those thinking of homeschooling, in the Colorado Springs/Pikes Peak region who have preschool age children and would like to meet with other homeschool parents of preschoolers. The focus is to provide activities, field trips, and friendship for preschoolers by sharing ideas and arranging playgroups. PHCS is an all-inclusive list. Siblings are always welcome.
Homeschool Science Colorado (HSC)
Homeschool Science Colorado (HSC) is a homeschool group organized to participate in Science Olympiad. Founded in the fall of 2008, Homeschool Science Colorado has built a reputation as a top competitor while emphasizing teamwork and integrity. Teams from HSC have consistently placed among the top ranked teams in the state of Colorado.
Our Lady of the Plains Homeschoolers
This is a Catholic group of homeschool families that live along the eastern I-70 corridor between Bennett and Limon.
Featured Resources
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The Living Page: Keeping Notebooks with Charlotte Mason
Charlotte Mason believed that children need to be trained to see, to have their eyes opened, in order to find joy in life. This work explains the value of using the method of writing in journals or notebooks, as derived from the expansive work of Cha...
Organizing Plain and Simple: A Ready Reference Guide With Hundreds Of Solutions to Your Everyday Clutter Challenges
Desk drowning in papers? No room for the car in the garage? Santa still sitting on the roof in May? A less-is-more philosophy is great, but we all still have way too much stuff. The home office swallows up whole rooms, as does the family computer sta...
Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days: Share a Day With 30 Homeschooling Families
From a bedroom community in Nebraska to a farm in Vermont, from families who rely on workbooks to those who have sworn them off, this in-depth examination of the lives of homeschoolers covers a wide range of people and methods. When author Nancy Land...
For the Good of the Earth and Sun: Teaching Poetry
For the Good of the Earth and Sun is for teachers at all levels, especially for those teachers who feel anxious about introducing poetry to students. Georgia Heard offers a method of teaching poetry that respects the intelligence of students and teac...
Total Language Plus
Total Language Plus is an innovative curriculum focused on teaching thinking and communication skills using literature as a base. The authors believe an integrated system is more efficient than a fragmented approach, discovery style learning is the m...