Colorado Homeschooling
What's Popular
Parker Christian Home Educators
This group offers wholesome, educational and social activities for homeschooled children, provide parents with support, information, and encouraging fellowship for the homeschooling journey. Also promotes non-government funded, home-centered education.
Arapahoe Library District
We are dedicated to being the best public library for the communities we serve by providing outstanding and personalized service to everyone seeking access to the world of information and ideas.
Lone Mesa State Park
Lone Mesa State Park lies 23 miles north of the town of Dolores and encompasses 11,760 acres of incredibly scenic land, ranging in elevation from about 7,200 feet to just over 9,000 feet.
Longmont Association of Eclectic Homeschoolers
This group is for home schoolers in the Longmont and surrounding areas of Colorado. Offers field trips, seasonal parties, crafts, educational activities and needed Mom's Night Out.
Rosemarys Baby Bookstore
1430 S Wadsworth BlvdLakewood, CO 80232Phone: 303-986-8799Email: Roseymarysbooks@yahoo.comRosemary's Baby Bookstore is a fine used bookstore located in the heart of Lakewood, Colorado. They have been in business since December 1991. They offer a large selection of used books and audio books. Bring in your gently used books for store credit for future purchases. 
Montrose County Historical Museum
The Museum focuses on early-day pioneer life, with a walk-through of a Homesteader's Cabin, equipped with furnishings and memorabilia. Also offers one of the most extensive collections of Farm Machinery in the state, including horse-drawn reapers, planters, plows, and a hay baler. The "County Store" exhibits wares, household objects, and tools. The Children's Corner contains dolls, toys, and baby furniture. The Museum's Library contains a complete set of Montrose newspapers from 1896-1940, a pho...
Ouray County Museum
Explore the history of Ouray County with special and permanent exhibits, including a look at the mining history of the area. The museum is located in Ouray.
House Joint Resolution 05-1040
Recognition of April 8, 2005, as Home Education Day in Colorado.
How to Comply with Colorado's Homeschool Law
In Colorado, there are three options under which you can legally homeschool. You are free to choose the option that best meets your family’s needs. These options include homeschooling under Colorado's homeschool statute, homeschooling with an independent school, and homeschooling with a certified teacher. 
Home School Academy Programs - Academy District 20
The mission of the Home School Academy is to support and assist homeschooling families in their chosen role as the primary educator of their children. They provide an enriched and extended curriculum that will complement the core instruction provided by homeschooling educators, homeschooling families access to additional resources that will supplement home school instruction. Homeschooling families have a connection to the public school setting, but they do not offer a full array of education...
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
One visit to their store and you'll discover why Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory is the number one destination of chocolate lovers everywhere. Throughout the store you will discover a fantastic variety of yummy chocolates and confections to satisfy cravings of even the most ardent chocoholic! Watch as they dip crisp apples in thick, bubbling caramel from a traditional copper kettle. Smile as we roll them in a rainbow of tasty toppings to complete your old fashioned treat. Linger awhile longer a...
Northern Colorado Homeschool Association
Northern Colorado Homeschool Association (NCHA) is a non-profit group for homeschooling parents and children of all ages. The majority of our families live along the Northern Colorado Front Range (Fort Collins, Windsor, Loveland Area). We are an inclusive, secular, eclectic, local, member-run organization that honors the diversity of homeschoolers and provides a supportive community for our members.
Yucca House National Monument
Yucca House National Monument is a large, unexcavated Ancestral Puebloan surface site. Yucca House is located in Southwest Colorado between the towns of Towaoc and Cortez.
Colorado Springs Homeschool Sports League Facebook Group
The Colorado Springs Homeschool Sports League is non-competitive, with the focus on fostering teamwork, building skills, and having a lot of fun! This Facebook group connects the organization and families in the region. 
Pueblo County Historical Society Museum
The Pueblo County Historical Society's museum was opened in 1975 in the lower level of the old Vail Hotel. It features exhibits relative to the Pueblo area, including the William White Railroad Collection, The Pueblo Saddlemakers (The Ray Bryan Western Room Collection), and The Francis King Western Collection. The museum also houses a substantial collection of Pueblo and regional artifacts.
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The Living Page: Keeping Notebooks with Charlotte Mason
Charlotte Mason believed that children need to be trained to see, to have their eyes opened, in order to find joy in life. This work explains the value of using the method of writing in journals or notebooks, as derived from the expansive work of Cha...
So You're Thinking About Homeschooling: Fifteen Families Show How You Can Do It
Confused and intimidated by the complexities of homeschooling, many sincere parents never get past the "thinking about it" stage. Now Lisa Whelchel - herself a homeschooling mother of three - introduces fifteen real families and shows how they overc...
Organizing Plain and Simple: A Ready Reference Guide With Hundreds Of Solutions to Your Everyday Clutter Challenges
Desk drowning in papers? No room for the car in the garage? Santa still sitting on the roof in May? A less-is-more philosophy is great, but we all still have way too much stuff. The home office swallows up whole rooms, as does the family computer sta...
Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days: Share a Day With 30 Homeschooling Families
From a bedroom community in Nebraska to a farm in Vermont, from families who rely on workbooks to those who have sworn them off, this in-depth examination of the lives of homeschoolers covers a wide range of people and methods. When author Nancy Land...
Total Language Plus
Total Language Plus is an innovative curriculum focused on teaching thinking and communication skills using literature as a base. The authors believe an integrated system is more efficient than a fragmented approach, discovery style learning is the m...
Quote of the Day

I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge.

Igor Stravinsky