Christian Homeschooling
Faith is important in a Christian home. It is easier to homeschool when you can participate in fellowship with those of like-minded faith. Here you'll find Christian support groups, articles, and other resources as you educate your children in a Christian home.
Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence

It's time to change your perspective to transform the way you plan, teach, and homeschool. This book helps you to see homeschooling as a calling. With this mindset, you'll be able to dismiss the stress of impossible expectations. Find strategies to help you juggle the logistics of homeschooling with different ages, be a good support for a struggling learner, set realistic goals, dismiss the guilt, and weather any criticism. You can be a hopeful homeschooler! God uses all for good and can transform all of your stress, fears, shortcomings, and successes to create the best plans for your family. 

Why We Homeschool

It is a common misconception that most parents homeschool due to bullies, school shootings, or bad teaching content. While these things are important, there is a higher purpose for choosing to home education your children. Even if all those things were corrected, there are stronger reasons to stay committed to the homeschool model. So why do you homeschool? This book looks at the meaning and significance of a true Christian education. 

Christian Homeschooling
The Redundancy of Christian Education
The term Christian education is redundant. In a very real and substantial sense it is repetitious to call education Christian. Education, simply stated, is nothing more than learning about God's creation and His providence.
How Can You Begin Homeschooling? Start!
"I am not trained. I am not smart enough. I will ruin my children!" These are often the first thoughts of parents considering homeschooling. This short discussion of a simple Christian approach to the beginning of your homeschool journey offers encouragement and information to make it easy to just start homeschooling.
Unschoolers and a "Christian World View"
Do Christian "natural learners" ("unschoolers") have a world view the same as other Christians? Some of them will, but not all.
Can a Christian Be an Unschooler?
Unschooling is an educational approach, an attitude towards learning. It refers to the ways in which we use books, materials, and experiences to learn and grow. The type of underlying structure you have inside yourself, your goals, value system, discipline, whether you watch TV or call parents by their first names, whether you use a patriarchal, democratic, or any other type of family structure, are not unschooling issues; they are parenting issues. Whether unschoolers or not, every parent must deal with these issues. Homeschoolers can agree on matters of how children learn and can even share a similar homeschooling style without agreeing on all of those personal issues; Christians can be unschoolers.
Resources for Christian Homeschoolers
Keepers at Home Organizer
A binder system for the Christian mother. Covers all the facets of homemaking including grocery lists, errands, goals, correspondence, and more. Provides for planning home maintenance, meals, bible study, and medical checkups. Includes a special section for homeschooling planning.
Bridgeway Academy
Bridgeway Academy has been a trusted homeschooling academy since 1989, meeting the highest state and national accreditation standards possible. Bridgeway’s goal is to provide families with everything needed to give a child the best homeschool education available. Whether looking for a curriculum founded on Christian principles, or one that focuses solely on academics, Bridgeway is a proven homeschool resource that will work with families to produce a customized and affordable plan that universities are taking quite seriously.
Support for Christian Homeschoolers in Colorado
High Country Home Educators
Christian support group in Colorado Springs offering group activities, a monthly newsletter, legislative updates, field trips, monthly Mom's Night Out, high school graduation, and more.
Colorado Christian Unschoolers
A Colorado support group for Christians who use unschooling, delight-led, child led, spirit led, relaxed, delayed, and/or natural learning in their homeschool. This group also stands for traditional conservative Christian values.
R-HOM was founded for the purpose of encouraging parents who have chosen to educate their children at home. Meetings provide encouragement, fellowship, resources and prayer for all who participate. This is a Christian organization.
Hearts-at-Home Homeschool Support Group
Christian support group serving the Highlands Ranch/Littleton area in Colorado and surrounding communities. Offers social and educational activities for homeschooling children through a variety of activities including mom's night out, family social events, educational field trips, history and science fairs, events for 11 and up kids, and various educational presentations.
Parker Christian Home Educators
This group offers wholesome, educational and social activities for homeschooled children, provide parents with support, information, and encouraging fellowship for the homeschooling journey. Also promotes non-government funded, home-centered education.
Homeschoolers Under God (HUG)
Homeschoolers Under God is a Fort Collins Christian support group for families who are teaching their children at home. Their purpose is to provide support, encouragement, information, and group activities to member families.
Heart to Heart Homeschooling Ministry
This group is a place where home schooling moms and children can encourage one another, grow in their relationships, and together provide opportunities to meet the unique needs of their families.
Christian Montessori Homeschoolers
This group is for those who use the Montessori method for part or all of their homeschooling efforts for all age groups. This is primarily a Christian group, though others are welcome to join.
Helping Our Members Educate (HOME)
HOME (Helping Our Members Educate) is a Colorado Springs Christian homeschool support group that provides monthly mom's meetings, a chess club, playgroup, book talks, girls' group, boys' group, group for children 13 and over, holiday celebrations, field trips, and a Promotion Day.
Religious Homeschooling Forum at
A message forum for homeschoolers who have religious reasons to homeschool.
Foothills Homeschoolers
This is a group of about 60 Christian families who homeschool their children in the SW metro area. The main focus of the group is mentoring and supporting homeschool families and moms so they can finish the "adventure" set before them. Monthly events consist of family gatherings on the 3rd Monday of each month. They offer field trips and educational activities for all ages and many events to provide "socialization" for everyone in the whole family.
Helping Our Members Educate (HOME)
Colorado Springs Christian support group offering parents' meetings, field trips, boys and girls groups, holiday celebrations, and more.
SPICE Supporting Parents in Independent Christian Education
SPICE is a Christian Homeschool support group which was started for the sole purpose of encouraging those involved in home education with a Christ Centered focus. The purpose of SPICE is to be a resource and asset to home schooling families. SPICE is based in Grand Junction, Colorado and serves the area known locally as the Grand Valley.
Labor of Love Home Education Support Group
Are you an Apostolic home educator? Or are you thinking of starting to home educate? This Colorado home education support group offers Moms' Night Out, periodic fellowship days, monthly field trips and more.
Christian Home Educators of Colorado (CHEC)
Christian Home Educators of Colorado (CHEC), is a non-profit, Christian organization, dedicated to providing information, resources and leadership to all families involved in home-centered education. Offers information, annual conference, Day at the Capitol, speech and debate activities, spelling and geography bee, graduation ceremonies, and a magazine.
Child-Led Christian Unschooling
This child-led learning group is for those unschoolers who are also Christians.
Aletheia Academy
Aletheia is a homeschool co-op group that serves families with children from preschool through high school. They offer classes such as Physical Education, Constitutional Literacy, Art, Literature, Drama, Apologia Sciences, Chemistry, and even a chapel time before classes. The families of Aletheia meet together in Aurora on Thursday mornings throughout the school year. They take field trips together and meet for game times and service projects.
Military Christian Homeschoolers
This is a group for Christian Homeschoolers in the military stationed in Colorado Springs, Colorado (for get togethers).
Christian Homeschoolers of Castle Rock
Christian Homeschoolers of Castle Rock is a private, non-profit, faith-based support group for Christian homeschoolers in the Castle Rock area of Douglas County, Colorado, who are teaching and training their children at home. They offer support to other Christian homeschool families by meeting regularly for encouragement, offering information about educational opportunities in the local area along with fellowship and instruction.
Agape Family Schools
Agape Family Schools is a support group for homeschoolers in Loveland, CO and the surrounding area. It is a Christian organization established for the purpose of providing support, encouragement and information for home schooling families. Activities for home schooled children include field trips and educational services. They hold bi-monthly meetings during the school year and have many small groups who meet on a more regular basis. Small group activities vary from a mom's night out, to field trips and park days.
Christian Faith Homeschool Fellowship
This is a family-oriented, Christian support ministry for home educators in the Aurora, Colorado, area. They offer fellowship with other homeschooling families, academic and social activities, information, and encouragement.
Learning Adventures at Mountain Springs (LAMS)
Learning Adventures at Mountain Springs (LAM) is a ministry of Mountain Springs Church. It is a parent/child participation program designed to support the home school families of the community. they provide opportunities for student enrichment in art, music, science, history, physical education, and other subjects.
Christian Homeschool Publications
Practical Homeschooling Magazine
Practical Homeschooling magazine offers a Christian perspective and includes product reviews, columns written by national known experts, homeschooling success stories, contests, and more.
Home School Enrichment
Home School Enrichment Magazine is dedicated to providing practical help and uplifting encouragement to the homeschool community from a distinctively Christian perspective. From unit studies and craft projects, to cooking and organizing, Home School Enrichment Magazine is filled with information you can use.
Homeschooling Today Magazine
A Christian publication that focuses on offering information on the mechanics of homeschooling, support and encouragement for homeschooling parents, and updates on news and trends that affect the homeschool community. Also features columns by well known homeschooling experts.
Home School Digest
The Home School Digest is a publication with a strong emphasis on a Christian perspective towards homeschooling. Here, you'll find practical tips, simple suggestions and bold biblical challenges that make up an open forum for wrestling through the complex issues that affect homeschooling families.
The Teaching Home
A Christian magazine for home educators, The Teaching Home magazine was founded in 1980 and provides information, inspiration, and support to homeschooling families and Christian homeschool state and national organizations.
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So You're Thinking About Homeschooling: Fifteen Families Show How You Can Do It
Confused and intimidated by the complexities of homeschooling, many sincere parents never get past the "thinking about it" stage. Now Lisa Whelchel - herself a homeschooling mother of three - introduces fifteen real families and shows how they overcome the challenges of their unique homeschooling situations. This nuts-and-bolts approach deals with common questions of time management, teaching weaknesses, and outside responsibilities, as well as children's age variations, social and sports invol...
Total Language Plus
Total Language Plus is an innovative curriculum focused on teaching thinking and communication skills using literature as a base. The authors believe an integrated system is more efficient than a fragmented approach, discovery style learning is the most effective and learning should be enjoyable. The "discover, do, drill" method is employed throughout the TLP program with activities focusing on thinking skills. These comprehensive novel studies cover spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, a...
Minds More Awake: The Vison of Charlotte Mason
Anne E. White explores what is known as the Charlotte Mason, based on the educational philosophy of the 19th century British educator. The goal is to set a child on the path to an intentional, purposeful life. White explores both the practical and philosophical understanding the Mason's practices. White includes lots of examples of how to use these ideas in your own homeschooling. 
Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days: Share a Day With 30 Homeschooling Families
From a bedroom community in Nebraska to a farm in Vermont, from families who rely on workbooks to those who have sworn them off, this in-depth examination of the lives of homeschoolers covers a wide range of people and methods. When author Nancy Lande started homeschooling more than 10 years ago, this is the book she wanted that didn't exist. What better way to create your homeschool than reading about others and picking and choosing the styles that appeal to you? Lande has corralled a variety o...
A History of Science
A History of Science is not a textbook, but is a guide to help parents and children study science through literature. It is intended for children in elementary grades.